Oil Paintings - Sub Category Artworks, Prints And Paintings - Category

ID: 910398

Large Oil Painting , The Early Shift, Signed By Keith English.

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Description 🔉

"The Early Shift", signed, oil on canvas by well-known St. Ives artist Keith English. The painting is gold framed and measured as 97 cm x 120 cm including frame.

Keith English is a visionary, contemporary artist based at St. Ives, Cornwall. He was born on 20 January 1935 and died on 15 December 2016. Keith is well-known for painting seascapes, landscapes and aspects of Cornish life.

Seller Details

  • Address:
  • 21 Watergate, Whitchurch, Shropshire, UK.
  • SY131DP
  • Note:
  • Raven Yard Antiques Shop is a family run business located in the picturesque part of Shropshire in the Roman town of Whitchurch. We have a diverse selection of rare and historic goods to choose from. Please browse our online store or else visit our shop to see some of our amazing items. Due to a hospital appointment.